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Tips for Success in First Grade

There are many ways you can positively impact your child's growth in first grade. Below are some effective strategies to help your child be the most successful they can be! 
Manage Screen Time

Does your child struggle with focus and attention?


More and more research has found that excessive screen time can negatively impact children's focus, creativity, impulse control, sleep patterns, and more. It can increase their anxiety levels, expose them to adult content, and decrease their ability to empathize with others.


The American Academy of Pediatrics has issued the following recommendations regarding screen time.

Establish Healthy Routines

Ensure your child has:

  • 8-10 hours of sleep a night.

  • Low sugar breakfast every morning.

  • No screen time 30 minutes prior to bedtime.

  • Arrive to school by 8:00.

  • Plenty of low sugar snacks for recesses.

  • A clean, full water bottle each day.

  • A set routine for practicing reading and other academics at home. 



Encourage your child with the

First grade can be challenging as your child learns how to read and write. They experience so much growth and can feel like hard things are too hard.


Help them change their mindset by changing their words. Help them change "I can't" to "I can't YET!"


Adding the powerful word "Yet" helps their minds stay open for the possibility of it happening one day. 


Watch the video below with your child for more on the "Power of YET!"

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